Sarah, Danni and Louis

Thriller Opening

Friday 19 February 2010

Description of our Thriller

It comes to my attention that through our blogging. We haven't once actually explained in detail what our Thriller is actually about and the plot behind it.

So ...

Okay Emily Parker (Played by Sarah Hall) is a 17/18 years old who has just been out for a meal with her boyfriend Tom Hill (Played by Louis Perry). When walking back to Toms car, Tom gets shot. Emily is interviewed about what happened and we see her flashbacks of the event. However what Emily doesn't know is that she is being interviewed by a corrupt police detective (Played by Collin Frost) who is actually the man who shot Tom.

In the opening credits we see a pan of a desk with photos, belongings, ect (see props list blog) of Emily's. This again is the police detectives desk. He has an obsession with her and is going along the lines of "If I can't have her, you can't" and this is why he then kills Tom. The thing that links the 3 scenes (Opening pan of desk, interview room, and the flashbacks of the car park) is the prop of the watch. The watch is on the desk, the watch is worn by the person holding the gun and the watch is worn by the detective switching off the tape recorder in the interview room.

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