Sarah, Danni and Louis

Thriller Opening

Friday 19 March 2010 the car park

Tonight we finally managed to do the flashback scenes in the multi-story car park. After hearing nothing back, when asking for permission, dispite constantly emailing and phoning, we decided to turn up and ask for permission there and then. Its a shame we didn't just do this in the first place as when we went and asked this evening- everything was fine and they let us.

So we decided, once there, to be able to use some high angle and low angle shots, to shoot some parts in the stairwell of the car park. This is when Emily (Sarah Hall) and Tom (Louis Perry) are looking for there car keys. This relates back to the desk at the beginning of the film where Toms car keys are. We also made sure that Sarah was wearing the exact same outfit and had her hair and make up the same as it was previously in the police station scenes. This is for continuity and to show that within the film, this has all happened on the same night. We also made sure Louis wore a red cardigan. This is connote danger which will be coming his way.

We timed some of the bits we were filming as to how long the voice clips (already edited on the macs from the shoot at the police station) are, that go over the top. We also had the hand, holding the gun, to have the same watch on that is used in both the office and in the police station.

I feel it went really well and we even managed to use the fake blood on Louis in order for it to look realistic like his character had just been shot. So hopefully when we upload it on Monday it will look good!

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