Sarah, Danni and Louis

Thriller Opening

Saturday 23 January 2010

In the Cut

After a class task on researching different sub thriller genres, we came about finding "In The Cut".
"In the Cut" is actually an erotic thriller film. Dispite our intentions to be more towards the "Psychological" sub genre of thriller, after reading this synopsis of "In the Cut" it seems to resemble and influence our ideas for our own thriller.

"In the Cut" is written and directed by Jane Campion, starring Meg Ryan, Mark Ruffalo and Jenniser Jason Leigh. Frannie (Meg Ryan) is a lonely New York City high school English teacher, who is compiling a dictionary of urban slang with the help of one of her students. Frannie discovers the darker side of passion after becoming involved with a tough homicide detective investigating a series of murders in her neighborhood. As the plot develops, she begins to wonder if the detective (Mark Ruffalo) might be the murderer, but remains curious and passionately interested in him. When Frannie's younger half-sister (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is decapitated by the murderer, her doubts about the detective increase, despite her inability to distance herself from him. Finally convinced of his guilt, Frannie runs away from the detective, only to fall deeper into the web of the murderer.

The two major similarities from only having read about "In the Cut" and not having watched it (yet!) shows, firstly that perhaps the detective is actually the murderer. Which is also what we hope to portray in our Thriller. Secondly it seems that Frannie's younger half sister may in fact have been killed also by the detective. We plan on having our characters boyfriend killed. This shows how both "In the Cut" and our Thriller will be involving a murder of a character that is close to the main character.

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